Hi-ho Hi-ho back to weight watchers I go

The baby is 6 weeks old and mammy had to get a reality check. After living the high life and eating whatever happened across my path, it was time to face the music and go back to my weight loss class! 😭
Now, I have lovely family and friends who said very nice things to me when I said was rejoining, like wise up love, sure you look great! As I said they're so lovely, liars for definite, but lovely liars. However, my rose coloured glasses didn't last too long and were swiftly swiped off by none other than my firstborn! The big girl (2 and 1/2), looks at mammy lovingly and asks 'You have another baby in your belly?' No daughter, that's a combination of salt and chilli chicken specials and chocolate, but you've made your point, mammy needs to catch herself on! From the mouths of babes and all that!
When I discovered I was pregnant for the third time in three years, I swore and promised myself that I would eat healthily and exercise during this pregnancy and not put on all the weight I'd lost since the wee girl! This time I was going to be one of those mammies-to-be that was all bump. Fantasies were rife of maternity photo shoots, so gorgeous and 'glowing' would I look that I would want to have it in a frame. In fact, the photographer would probably/definitely want to use my pictures for their promotional material and I would be 'discovered' as a model! 😂😂
How mammy deluded herself! The big scan hadn't even been had and mammy had far exceeded the limit she set for herself!! 
I feel I should just mention at this point the reason behind my glowing goddess vision of myself. My gorgeous wee sister is getting married next year and yours truly will be a bridesmaid. I have to say that it was not the July 2018 deadline that had me motivated(aka shitting myself), it was the dress shopping!! This is happening considerably sooner and to add to my plight, the other two bridesmaids have only gone and emigrated or gotten knocked up so it falls to me to be chief trier oner......no pressure!
Anyway, I digress. Cut to me getting ready to get on the scales and face the music. Flinching like I'm about to be physically assaulted, which at the time would have been preferable! And......it wasn't too bad!! Don't get me wrong, I've a few(😂😂) pound to lose but it's a hill rather than a mountain! My body is on its hands and knees thanking me for eating some fruit and veg which until this week were a distant memory! I'm feeling positive and motivated.......and grapes are no points, right!?
