You have your hands full

Since I was pregnant with the wee girl, due only 16 months after the big girl, this is a phrase I've heard approx 542,587 times and I still don't really know why people say it or what is an appropriate response. I have two go-to replies: 'Aye' because aye I do, in fact I only have two hands so even if I grew another one I'd still have my hands full, and 'My hands and my heart', which is also very true and most of the time it's love that it's full of.....
How I react to this can be linked to the sort of day we've had, me and the three mahoods. Let me give you a little snapshot......
I'm feeding the baby while watching the big girl and the wee girl 'play' aka wreck the place, pulling all the cushions off the sofa, getting the tops off the laundry baskets and putting them down the back of the sofa (like wtf? EVERYDAY!!), playing with the cheese graters, etc, etc in fact anything that doesn't directly involve actual toys and is usually hazardous! They're like wild animals and can sense Mammy's vulnerability when my two hands are occupied with a new born and her bobo!
I then try to bribe them to stop effing wrecking the place with haribos and wotsits, which I find just helps them wreck the place in a more orangey dust, half-chewed, stuck to the mat kinda way. Then I resort to my nemeses, who if I ever meet in real life need to run the f away, Team Umizoomi! This works!! Hallelujah! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 For the grand total of 4 minutes! Then the big girls who is potty training has to do a peepee. The things I have learned to do one-handed while holding a newborn and using my mouth to hold the bottle! Then in the time between her finishing and me getting a nano second to empty the potty, it becomes THE most interesting thing in the world to the wee girl! She NEEDS to get her hands in it! I'm trying to stop her with my feet because the baby is still going at the bottle and it's a whole handling if she is interrupted mid feed! But in the end I have to put the baby down to stop the peepee being added to the half chewed wotsits and haribos on the once-gorgeous mat.
When everything is sorted I come back to the baby, who is less than impressed with me for having the cheek to put her down without winding her. In fact she decides that this can not go unpunished and promptly throws up right down my top so there's a lovely warm pool of vomit collected in my bra. 
If you happened to meet me this day I can guarantee I responded with an 'Aye' and that was about 100 times nicer than what I was saying in my head!!
Then there's days like last Sunday.....from here on known as my happy place!! The three children all napped at the same time!!!!!! This has never happened since the baby was born and the big girl only takes a sleep when it suits her now because 'I not a baby!' 🙄
Last Sunday I had time to tidy up, hang a wash out, wash bottles, empty the dishwasher, put the dinner on AND have a cup of coffee!!! Not only that, and this is what makes me giddy even thinking about it, I actually put make up on! 😱 I looked like a real life woman and not a Zombie mammy! All this in a weekend when himself was away at a 'conference'!
If you met me last Sunday and told me I had my hands full I most definitely replied with 'My hands and my heart!' I probably even looked smug...and I'm not even sorry! 😜
