3under3 guide to an evening out with your sisters.

Thursday night plans.....
Pick up younger sister on way to shopping centre.
Meet twin sister at shopping centre.
Go to travel agent and lock down hen plans.
Have a relaxing cup of coffee and a lovely chat.
Thursday night reality….. 
Message younger sister that you will collect her in 10 minutes and then do hair, make up and get dressed inside 13 minutes and leave the house looking ‘amazing’.
Meet twin sister in Boots and spend too much time looking at vitamins. (What age are we....?)
Go in to the travel agents and ask him to check for certain dates. Spend about 15minutes looking at options for those dates before changing our minds and trying for a completely different month....
Talk about what day we should leave that would suit people the most/should we go all-inclusive/should we go near the beach/etc/etc.
See the travel agent smiling politely and wishing we would shut TFU and make at least one decision.
Leave the travel agents without having actually made one decision.
Go into a clothes shop and buy a pair of going out earrings that will very likely never get to go out and a woolly hat with a pompon on top that I’m DEFS too old to wear(I really just wanted to match the 3 mahoods who all have one #nobodyputsmammyinthecorner)
Just as we’re about to walk out the door of the shop twin sister spies something for her date night with her husband so back to the queue we go.
Sale complete, we realise that we don’t have time for a cup of coffee in the centre so spend a few minutes checking for a cafe near hand that will be open to 10.
Find one and decide to go to the car park and drive to it.
Twin sister realises that the palm of her hand is red, swollen(like looks twice the size, obviously did not mention this to her at the time!) and itchy. She thinks she’s taken some sort of reaction to the handle of the carrier bag and we head back to boots to get something. Meanwhile she hands the offending carrier bag to younger sister who starts holding it like a bomb! 😂
Find Boots is closed because it’s about 8.57p.m.
Twin sis tries to see if there’s anywhere else she can go to get something to sort out her supersized hand.
Finds nowhere else and I think she is starting to get worried. Her throat is starting to become scratchy.
Get to car park and twin sis asks younger sis to go in the car with her in case of death by carrier bag. She also wants to ring the out hours GP just in case.
Get into my own car and turn the key…..and nothing happens...read message on the dashboard that says engine malfunction service now.
Try turning the key again and again.(I’m a big fan of trying same method and hoping for different results!🙄)
Start to realise it’s not working.
Ring the other two to tell them I’m stuck back in the multi-storey car park with no way out.
Go to let the parking attendant know that I’m in a bit of a pickle.
Parking fella offers to come and help when he’s sorted out the queue of people waiting.
Younger sis comes back in while twin sis waits outside.
Parking fella comes and I turn the key again a few times for the craic.
He asks if I want him to push to see if I can jump start it.
Ask him what jump starting is.....
He gets in and me and wee sis push which is surprisingly easy. We’re momentarily delighted with ourselves for being total tanks!
Delight turns to misery as wee sis discovers the car pushing has resulted in her suede bag and dry clean only coat being rubbed against the bumper.
Ponder the fact that disaster comes in threes.
Car doesn’t even try to start.
It’s getting very close to closing time of the car park and I’m running out of options.
Parking fella says maybe I should ring ‘my mechanic’. Didn’t know that was a thing. 
He says the car will be safe enough in the car park overnight.
Start to actually realise I’m going home without my car!
Wee sis’ fella has ‘a mechanic’ and she messages him, who says to give him a ring.
Ring him and tell him what happened and he says he will be there in 10minutes.
Carpark closes in 19 minutes so I’m not hopeful...
Arrives in about 7 minutes. (I’m thinking he may also double as some sort of formula one driver!)
Goes in and turns the key again.
Tries to jump start it without success.
Asks me if I’ve dropped my keys recently....WTF? Just about 30 times a day.
Then asks if I’ve driven through a puddle recently. WHAT?
So my car is abandoned in a multi-storey carpark overnight because of either the key being dropped or driving through a puddle.....What the feck way are they making cars these days!?!?!? No harm to you Ford but that’s a pile of shite! Fred Flintstone wouldn't have had these problems…..
So Thursday nights plans spill over into Friday morning. It’s been quite some time since that has happened and back then there was a lot more alcohol involved and the only cost I had to worry about was to my reputation.....😳
Decide to go back in the morning and try the cheapest option first which is the spare key.
Get all 3 mahoods and myself into a taxi to go to my mammys so I don’t have to hang about in a carpark with them in case the spare key doesn’t work.
Check my insurance to find I have no breakdown cover.
Pray the spare key works.
Get to the carpark and wait for some eejit to try to park beside where I left my car.
Eventually give up and climb in the passenger side! 🙄
Put key in the ignition and turn.....AND IT WORKS!!😱🙌🏻
Have to be honest I wasn’t filled with much hope but was glad the cheapest option worked!
And to add to this the parking fella sorted it so I didn’t have to pay any extra for my parking and when I messaged the mechanic to tell him that the spare worked and to ask him what I owed for the call out he said don’t worry about it!
Lessons learned:
1. Ford cars/keys need to have a long, hard look at themselves. 
2. Beware of carrier bags! 
3. People have ‘a mechanic’.
4. Don’t push a car while wearing expensive clothing/accessories.
5. People are helpful and generous and brilliant!! 
